Performing with dancer Ni Made Pujawati, OGS performed in the Garden Quad Reception Room at St John’s, to an audience of over 80 people who relaxed and enjoyed themselves, helped by the plentiful wine.
- Ladrang Wilujeng
- Gendhing Randha Nunut
- Ladrang Gonjang Seret
- Ketawang Pucung
- Ayakayakan etc.
- dance Bedhaya Pangkur (Inggah Kinanthi – Ladrang Kembang Pepe – Ladrang Sigra Mangsah)
- Ketawang Kesatriyan
- Lancaran Kedhu
- Ladrang Pakumpulan
- Sontoloyo
- dance Menak Koncar (Ladrang Asmarandana)
- Gendhing Kutut Manggung
As an encore, to see the audience home, we performed Mugirayahu.